Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Final Paper

Artist Researched: Philip Glass
Title of Philip Glass' Sound work: Building (excerpt from Einstein on the Beach)
Time: 3:04

click here to play Building .mp3

Rhythmic and cyclic qualities are ever-present in Glass' music, which has been intrusively branded as "minimalism". To learn more about Philip Glass and why he does not like the term "minimalism" as applied to his style, check out his website:

click here for Philip Glass' official extended biography

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Unnamed Sound

Bus Route Taken: The Mayfair 31 from Wisconsin Avenue in D-Town, Milwaukee

The recording was made at 3rd and Wisconsin

click here for the unnamed sound .mp3

The plan was simple: board a bus, take a ride, and make some recordings. Well...not so simple. After taking the bus all the way to the Mayfair Mall and having made many recordings, confidence was not on my side. On the way back, all that recording made me hungry. So I stopped at...well, let's see if you can figure it out. Keeping my ears attuned to the sounds of the environment, I happened upon something that required some exploring on my part. Guess that sound...

Monday, October 26, 2009

Field Recording -- Drift

Date: 10/20/09
Time: 4:28 p.m.
Place: Kilbourne Ave. bridge at Water St.
Running Time: 0:45

click here for .mp3 voice intro

click here for .mp3 Drift 01

Date: 10/20/09
Time: 4:57 p.m.
Place: Pere Marquette Park, Milwaukee
Running Time: 0:45

click here for .mp3 voice intro

click here for .mp3 Drift 02

Date: 10/24/09
Time: 6:24 p.m.
Place: McKinley-Marina Park at the docks
Running Time: 0:45

click here for .mp3 voice intro

click here for .mp3 Drift 03

The Field Recordings here represent selected sounds from downtown Milwaukee and the Lake Front Area. I am presenting what I think are different sounds that may or may not be recognized. The sounds of the city and the sounds of nature not only clash, but live harmoniously in the same region. Significantly, there is a whole world out there that waits to be heard.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Found Sound Project

Found Audio

click here for .wav(Windows)

click here for .aif(Mac)

total running time 1:00

The past. My very being derives from it. It's always there, sometimes quiet, but always consuming. My past is unavoidable, inescapable, yet all too often I find myself running, afraid of what has been. It haunts me. Laughing. Taunting. But every time I run, it finds me, catches me. It is a dance, and I am bound by its chains. I scream for the pain to stop. The past looms over me, a dark shadow grinning maliciously. How long can I fight? How long can I run? Each passing day, I grow more fatigued. I'm tired. I'm beaten. I try to escape, but it won't let go. I won't let go. I hold the keys. The choice is my own. I dream to break free, but for now we walk.