Monday, October 26, 2009

Field Recording -- Drift

Date: 10/20/09
Time: 4:28 p.m.
Place: Kilbourne Ave. bridge at Water St.
Running Time: 0:45

click here for .mp3 voice intro

click here for .mp3 Drift 01

Date: 10/20/09
Time: 4:57 p.m.
Place: Pere Marquette Park, Milwaukee
Running Time: 0:45

click here for .mp3 voice intro

click here for .mp3 Drift 02

Date: 10/24/09
Time: 6:24 p.m.
Place: McKinley-Marina Park at the docks
Running Time: 0:45

click here for .mp3 voice intro

click here for .mp3 Drift 03

The Field Recordings here represent selected sounds from downtown Milwaukee and the Lake Front Area. I am presenting what I think are different sounds that may or may not be recognized. The sounds of the city and the sounds of nature not only clash, but live harmoniously in the same region. Significantly, there is a whole world out there that waits to be heard.